FODY's Low FODMAP Diet Blog!

Fall in Love with these Low FODMAP Valentine's Day Recipes

The way to your loved one’s heart is through their stomach. But if they have IBS, you’ll need Low FODMAP Valentine's Day recipes like these to win them over.

Low FODMAP Smoothie Recipes for Breakfast

Waking up is hard, so make breakfast easy with these healthy & delicious low FODMAP smoothie recipes!

The Skinny on Low Fat FODMAP Recipes

Not only can you cut FODMAPs from your diet, but remove fat at the same time. Try these healthy, low fat FODMAP recipes!

The Top 3 FODMAP Diet Mistakes

Don’t start a FODMAP diet on the wrong foot (food?)! Learn about common FODMAP diet plan hiccups and how to avoid them.

Holiday Gifts for Foodies: The Low FODMAP Edition

Let’s face it, you’re tired of buying fruitcakes, and your friends and family are tired of receiving them. Spice things up for the epicureans in your life with these low FODMAP gifts for foodies!

Festive Low FODMAP Holiday Recipes

Holiday entertaining can be hard when you’re on a low FODMAP diet, especially when your in-laws are sitting at the dinner table waiting and eager to make passive-aggressive comments about your cooking.

A Low FODMAP Thanksgiving Guide

Following a low FODMAP diet? Then you need a low FODMAP Thanksgiving strategy to get you through the day (often the whole weekend!) safely and deliciously.

Hosting a Low FODMAP Thanksgiving

We’ll show you how to put together a simple Thanksgiving feast that’s high in flavor and low in FODMAPS. This is how you gobble gobble ‘till you wobble, the low FODMAP way!

Is Low FODMAP Candy & Chocolate a Trick or Treat?

Before sending your little trick or treaters out there, you should be aware of the low FODMAP candy and chocolates you can safely indulge in.

Wicked Low FODMAP Halloween Recipes

There’s nothing scarier than the thought of being left out of Halloween eating festivities, all thanks to that IBS monster rearing its ugly head when you try to enjoy the finer candies in life.

Putting Together Your Own Low FODMAP Slow Cooker Recipes

There are many recipes developed just for the slow cooker, but sometimes we want to use the gadget with a Low FODMAP recipe of our own devising.

Foods to Eat with IBS

Which foods irritate IBS symptoms? We identify the common culprits, along with suggestions for similar, low FODMAP alternatives.

A FODMAP Diet Plan vs. A Regular Diet

Here’s why a low FODMAP diet plan is more individualized, more sustainable, and ultimately more beneficial than a regular diet for those with IBS.

What are FODMAPs?

It’s one of the first questions to come out of the mouths of those recently diagnosed with IBS: “What are FODMAPs?”, often with an expletive weaved in somewhere.

Which Low FODMAP Foods Should I Include in My IBS Diet?

What types of foods should you include in your IBS diet? We outline low FODMAP foods that can fit into any low FODMAP diet.

Understanding Low FODMAP Nutritional Guidelines

Not all the prepared food products that you encounter in the store are certified as Low FODMAP - so how do you tell what is Low FODMAP and safe for you to eat?

Finding Low FODMAP Fast Food Options

Need to grab a quick bite? Fody explains how you can still follow your low FODMAP diet on the go with low FODMAP fast food options.

The Best Low FODMAP Vegetables for Your Summer Menu

Summer’s winding down, signaling an end to pool parties, BBQs, and getting drinks with those mini umbrellas floating inside them. But before you trade in your sandals for sweaters, take advantage of all the fresh, seasonal produce that’s readily available at your grocery store!

Low FODMAP Sandwiches from FODY

We all know how to make sandwiches, right? But how about Low FODMAP sandwiches? They are no harder to make, once you have the right bread, condiments and chosen fillings. Let’s take it step by step.

Getting Ready for Back-To-School: A Low FODMAP Diet for Children

It’s that time again! Whether you are a teenager or young adult who monitors his or her own diet or the parent of a younger FODMAPer, you will have the best chance of success if you are prepared from Day 1.

How to Stock Your Low FODMAP Pantry

Keeping your pantry stocked with low FODMAP kitchen essentials will help you stay the course on your low FODMAP diet journey!

Low FODMAP Snacks for Your Summer Road Trip

Never brave gas station beef jerky again with our Low FODMAP snacks that are the perfect traveling companions for planes, trains, and automobiles. 

Summer & Finding FODMAP Diet Success

Summer is here, and whether you're embarking on a diet or are an old-hat, the season can present its own set of challenges when it comes to your low FODMAP diet success.

Summer Cookout Menu Ideas: The Low FODMAP Diet Edition

We are on a diet that most folks do not understand, which means the best chance we have at experiencing a lovely, IBS symptom-free day is if we come up with our own FODMAP-friendly Summer cookout menu ideas.

Low FODMAP Dairy vs. Lactose: What are the Differences?

Most of us envision a glass of milk or a hunk of cheddar and think these represent dairy as well as lactose - and they do - but these foods have some very important differences when it comes to FODMAP dieting.

Following a FODMAP Diet Plan

From the 1000+ responses to our most recent low FODMAP living survey, we learned a lot about people who are experiencing the incredible benefits of a FODMAP diet plan.

Grilling Your Favorite Low FODMAP Meats and Vegetables

Warmer weather is upon us and that means we are going to be spending more time outside with the grill. Whether you have a gas grill or are partial to hardwood charcoal, there is no reason you can’t enjoy grilling season while adhering to a Low FODMAP diet.

The Best Ways to Use Low FODMAP Salad Dressing

Whether you whip up your own low FODMAP salad dressing or take advantage of our new line of Fody's FODMAP Salad Dressings, we want to encourage you to think outside the box. Drizzling on salad greens is obvious, but if you stop there you are missing out!

Low FODMAP Diet Portion Sizes: How Much Can I Eat?

After we ask, “What Can I Eat?” when we're told we should follow the Low FODMAP diet, the next question is often, “How Much Can I Eat?” We answer your low FODMAP diet portion sizes questions, and the recommended servings from our list of low FODMAP foods.

Our Experiences with an IBS FODMAP Diet Plan

So many of us suffer in silence with IBS symptoms. During IBS Awareness Month, we ran a contest dedicated to sharing stories of our experiences with living with IBS and following the low FODMAP diet. So many of you shared your stories, and photos of your beautiful, smiling faces.

Gluten & The Low FODMAP Diet

Okay let’s get this out right up front - the Low FODMAP diet is NOT a gluten-free diet. That said, you probably have noticed that there are many gluten-free suggestions especially while on the initial Elimination Phase of the diet, so we understand the confusion. 

What Can Trigger IBS Symptoms?

Various different factors come into play where the triggering of IBS symptoms is concerned. Apart from FODMAPS, let’s look at some of the major triggers.

Low FODMAP Passover Recipes & Tips

How do you throw a Low FODMAP seder? If you or a family member is following the Low FODMAP diet, this is probably a question that's been swirling about in your mind.

New Look, Same Delight!

At Fody Foods, we want to eat (and live) life to the fullest. We hope our bright, friendly new packaging will inspire you to smile inside and out every day!

FODMAP Elimination Plan: Clean Eating for Results

Before FODMAPs, clean eating often meant eating lightly and was connected to weight loss or a general sense of well-being. So, what does clean eating mean for someone following the Low FODMAP diet?

How to Make a Low FODMAP Nourish Bowl

Low FODMAP Nourish Bowl. Buddha Bowl. Grain Bowl. Whatever you call them, they are everywhere, and we love ‘em! A low FODMAP nourish bowl starts with a bowl of your favourite grains, greens, veggies, protein, and maybe even fruit - this is healthy comfort food at its finest.

Low FODMAP Valentine’s Day Celebrations!

A Low FODMAP Valentine’s Day conjures up two food images for us: the little “conversation hearts” candies that we traded in elementary school, and fine chocolates and champagne. Luckily for us on the Low FODMAP diet, we can still enjoy those sugary heart-shaped candies, champagne, and good dark chocolate!

A Low FODMAP Dinner: 6 Steps to Hosting a Great American Tradition

Whether you are assembling to watch Presidential debates, holiday parades, or the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, the common denominator is of course food and drink! We'll tell you how to plan a Low FODMAP Dinner for your next Great American Tradition in 6 steps.

Low FODMAP Meal Planning as Your New Year’s Resolution

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to embark on the Low FODMAP diet, or re-commit to your Low FODMAP lifestyle, and there are certain strategies that will greatly increase your chances of success.

Cooking with Low FODMAP Leftovers

Following a Low FODMAP diet means thinking about every single thing we put in our mouths. So, wherever we can make something easier - like creatively reimagining Low FODMAP leftovers in our dishes - we should take advantage!

Hosting a Low FODMAP Dinner for FODMAP Followers & Friends

When you're hosting a low FODMAP dinner, you can choose recipes that are catered to guests with IBS, shop for the proper low FODMAP ingredients, and control the food preparation, ensuring a best-case scenario for you and your hungry guests.

How to Survive a High FODMAP Food Party

For most folks, holiday and party food is something to look forward to. For those of us with IBS, a high FODMAP food party can be a nightmare.

Baking Low FODMAP Foods for the Holidays

We believe that following a Low FODMAP diet shouldn’t stop you from enjoying holiday baking (and the eating that comes along with it)!

Mindful Eating Tips for FODMAPs and IBS

What is “mindful” eating for FODMAPs and IBS? And how does it connect to our Low FODMAP lifestyle? We share advice in balancing your lifestyle, IBS symptoms, and food choices around the holidays, so you make informed decisions when it comes to FODMAPs and IBS.

A Message from our Founder,  Steven J. Singer

To our Fody friends, customers, advisors, researchers and to the amazing passionate Fody team, your passion for Fody Foods inspires us every day.

A FODMAP Diet Plan: Advice for Mindful Eating

A Low FODMAP diet plan is all about rules, food lists, portion sizes, and combinations of foods. It can be overwhelming on knowing what to eat, and what to avoid. Here are some suggestions on staying mindful while following a FODMAP diet plan, which is the key to truly feeling your very best!

Is a Low FODMAP Diet Plan for Me?

I am here to clarify all of the questions you may have about who this groundbreaking Low FODMAP diet plan is for – read closely, because it might be perfect for you!

Traveling with IBS: 5 Tips for Traveling on The Low FODMAP Diet

Eliminating foods that are high in FODMAPs may work while you're at home and in control of your food choices, but the thought of travelling with IBS to a new city or country may leave you feeling anxious.